Welcoming, Worshipping, Reaching Out & Growing in Christ
Wherever you are on your spiritual adventure,
St. John's welcomes you.

Messy Church is a new kind of church and held on a day other than Sunday. All ages and all families are welcome to join in on the fun, with lots of crafts, music, storytelling and food!
Our Messy Church takes place the second Tuesday of every month (excluding July & August).
A little bit of background on Messy Church: Messy Church started in an Anglican church near Portsmouth, UK, in 2004 and has grown into an international movement operating across a wide range of Christian denominations and traditions. It became part of The Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) in 2006 with publication of the first Messy Church book by founder Lucy Moore. Messy Church enables people of all ages to belong to Christ together through their local church. It is a way of being church which is particularly suited to families, but welcoming to all. It meets at a time and on a day that suits local families and is particularly aimed at people who have never belonged to a church before.
For more information about how Messy Church began, see messychurch.org.uk/story-so-far
Messy Church logo © The Bible Reading Fellowship 2019. See messychurch.org.uk
Here's a few pictures from previous Messy Church's at St John's!