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Gifts, Gratitude, and Gusto Campaign
St John’s, Richmond – Gifts, Gratitude, and Gusto Campaign
As our parish enters a third century of ministry, service, and worship in the community of Richmond we are announcing our Gifts, Gratitude, and Gusto Campaign for 2025. We invite all who love St. John’s and seek to make it thrive to participate in this campaign by pledging your financial support for the work of our parish.
Your financial support is critical to planning our 2025 budget in ways that enhance our ministries, maintain our buildings and property, and dream about continuing to serve our community for decades to come. The responses to the campaign are helpful in enabling us to budget accurately. Responsible and generous stewardship ensures that parish ministry continues to be vibrant, purposeful, and relevant in creating God’s beloved community of hope and compassion in our parish and neighbourhoods.
St. John’s, Richmond is a faithful and enthusiastic community of dedicated parishioners. We offer many exciting ministries and activities: weekly worship services, Sunday Vespers, Messy Church for children and families, weekly online Evening Prayer, pastoral care of the sick, Open Table meals, the Quiet Garden and Labyrinth, community social events like our Halloween Dance and Trivia Night, the annual Christmas Tea and Bazaar, and more! We make our church hall available to several community groups, clubs, and organizations.
All of what we do and offer at St. John’s depends upon our parishioners’ gifts of time, talent, and treasure. The health and hospitality of our parish is tremendously enhanced by the time and talent of so many people in our congregation, but it remains in jeopardy because of our parish’s decreasing financial resources. Our average monthly operating expenses total approximately $12,000. Our average monthly receiptable givings total approximately $4200. We are currently carrying a $35,000 deficit at the end of October 2024. Note that part of these expenses covers the cost of our half-time priest and one-quarter of the cost for our one-quarter time deacon (the remainder is subsidized by a diocesan grant). Addressing this unsettling financial position is urgent to the future of St. John’s, Richmond.
Your financial support and intentional pledge to the Gifts, Gratitude, and Gusto Campaign support all these ministries and activities and enables us to plan to thrive for ourselves and future generations. Many members of our parish contribute with immense generosity. Please fill in the attached Pledge Form 2025 and return it electronically to stewardshipstjb@gmail.com, by mail, or dropped off by hand in the church by December 20, 2024.
Your pledge to our stewardship campaign will help us establish a responsible 2025 budget that enables us to fare forward into our third century with abundant gifts, gratitude, and gusto.
Yours in Christ,
St. John’s Stewardship Committee
Rev. Allan Budzin
Rev. Tamara Connors
Elizabeth Mann
Jean Langman
Christine Ormsby
Remember that your pledge is a promise made to yourself. It can be adjusted at any time. Thank you for your prayers and your support.
Pledge Form 2025
PAR request form